endress+hauser Instrumentation

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Andres Hauser, a precision instrument manufacturing company, was started in 1953 by a Swiss engineer and a French investor named Georg Endress and Ludwig Hauser.

The brand stands for E + H (Endress + Hauser) after its founders. The parent company of this group is Endress + Hauser AG in Reinach, Switzerland. The company includes 134 companies in 48 countries. It currently has hundreds of representatives around the world. The company is currently one of the most reputable companies in the world in the field of production of precision instrument products in the world. The company’s most important products are flowmeters, pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, surface transmitters and liquid analyzers.

Endress + Hauser for digital automation of the process includes products, solutions and accurate surface, flow, pressure and temperature measurement services. Liquid analysis, solids and gases, data acquisition and system integration are also unique features of these products.

Commercial customers work mainly in the food and beverage, chemical, life sciences, oil and gas, water and wastewater, energy and energy industries, and prefabrication and metals. In lab jobs, the group also serves clients with health and academic care.